The electric cigarette rolling machine market is hotly contested and various suppliers have rolling machines on the market that show different results in terms of reliability and cigarette quality. Take a look to the best cigarette rolling machine: Powermatic III+ Cigarette Machine Review.
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Powermatic 3 Test
We tested the Powermatic 3 Plus electric cigarette rolling machine, which makes a solid visual impression and is produced by the American manufacturer Zico.
What can the Powermatic 3 Plus machine do?
With the Powermatic 3 rolling machine, the cigarette rolling process takes place automatically at the push of a button. All you have to do is fill the tobacco into the reservoir, which can hold tobacco for several cigarettes, and put an empty tube on the machine each time. The rest is done completely automatically.
This makes the Powermatic 3 rolling machine ideal for all those who want to produce high quality cigarettes effortlessly by themselves and in a short time.
What distinguishes the Powermatic 3 from other cigarette makers?
The Powermatic 3 already stands out from the crowd of electric rolling machines due to its solid construction and robust design. However, it was particularly convincing in the rolling machine test:
- Large (30 gram) tobacco reservoir allows production of several cigarettes - without having to refill tobacco
- Absolutely robust, stable construction, slipping impossible
- Counter with daily counter and total counter shows number of cigarettes produced
- Operation only by simple push of START button
- Lockable tobacco compartment prevents crumb mess
- Produced cigarettes look perfect
- No dropouts during test operation
- Density/strength of cigarette adjustable
- Works with cigarette tubes of different lengths
Nothing snags and nothing clogs here
Even with a test production of 200 cigarettes, not a single cigarette malfunctioned. Nothing snagged, nothing jammed and nothing was clogged. With other devices, one often experiences that a red light comes on and indicates that something is stuck/clogged, which then has to be removed manually and clouds the enjoyment of the production process.
If you're looking for real quality in electric rolling machines, you won't get around the Powermatic 3.
Titanium knife in the Powermatic 3 convinces
The decisive factor in an electric cigarette plugging machine is the quality of the knife, which cuts the tobacco to the quantity to be plugged into the tube. In the Powermatic 3 rolling machine, this knife is of high quality and made of titanium, one of the hardest metals available. This promises that the user will enjoy the rolling machine for a very long time. The cutting results of the knife leave nothing to be desired. The titanium knife reliably and electrically cuts the tobacco.
Stability of the Powermatic 3 rolling machine
The Powermatic 3 is a model of stability and passed the test with flying colors. This is due not only to the solid construction of the machine, but also to its own weight of approx. 4 kg. Many a cheap plastic construction wobbles more than it stands. The Powermatic 3 rolling machine stands like a 1, even after 200 cigarettes have been produced. A non-slip underside ensures that the machine does not dance around on the table - as some cheap imitation models do. The original - the Powermatic 3 rolling machine - is absolutely stable on the table.
Cleanliness in the production process
While some cigarette stuffing machines cause a lot of tobacco crumbs on the table around the stuffing machine in a short time, the production of cigarettes with the Powermatic 3 stuffing machine is a clean affair. The fact that the tobacco compartment is closed with a flap means that nothing at all can fall out of the compartment. Of course, tiny shreds of tobacco can fall onto the table when removing a packed cigarette tube, but this is absolutely negligible compared to many other machines. So anyone who likes to quickly stuff cigarettes themselves and doesn't want to make a huge mess is very well served by the Powermatic 3.
Test of electric cigarette makers: Quality of the cigarettes
The decisive factor with the Powermatic 3 in the test is the impeccable quality of the cigarettes: Neither was there too little tobacco in the cigarettes, nor too much. The Powermatic 3 rolling machine convinces with consistently high rolling quality. While other cigarette filling machines sometimes require the removal of tobacco fringes at the front, this was not necessary with the Powermatic 3 in the test. The cigarettes looked just like those from a prepackaged cigarette, except that you have to spend considerably less money on them.
Powermatic 3 - perfect cigarettes and save money at the same time
Saving money is something everyone wants to do, but some cigarette smokers are reluctant to buy a stuffing machine because they find making their own too cumbersome or have seen from other machines that large amounts of tobacco fly around in the process. With the Powermatic 3, both of these worries can be completely eliminated for the smoker. A cigarette can be made in seconds at the touch of a button, so that even large quantities (e.g. a week's supply) can be produced quickly. What's more, the rolling process on the Powermatic 3 is absolutely clean, and the closed tobacco compartment means that no tobacco crumbs are lost from the compartment on the table.
The Powermatic 3 is therefore ideal for anyone who wants to produce perfect cigarettes in seconds without making a mess. In short, the Powermatic 3 is ideal for anyone looking for a perfect rolling machine for cigarette production.
Acquisition price somewhat higher, but machine quality right at the top
The purchase price of the Powermatic 3 is in comparison rather in the upper range of the electric cigarette rolling machine, but for this you get at least one of the best electric rolling machines that is on the market, - if not the best. The machine leaves nothing to be desired and produces consistently good cigarettes in seconds.
It should be borne in mind that the machine will probably be in use for a number of years and that the purchase price compared to the purchase of ready-made cigarettes is often amortized after 2-3 months - depending on cigarette consumption.
Overall test result of the Powermatic 3 rolling machine:
Absolutely perfect cigarettes in seconds from reliable stable device - by simply pressing a button. Cleanly produced by sufficiently large and closable tobacco compartment.
Advantages Powermatic 3:
- Produces in seconds
- Perfect cigarettes
- Large tobacco compartment, lockable
- Clean production - not much tobacco crumbs around the machine
- Processes cigarette tubes of different lengths
- High stability
- Durable titanium blade
- Degree of density individually adjustable
- Counter for produced cigarettes
Disadvantages Powermatic 3:
- Quality costs. The purchase price is higher than that of inferior machines.